How Are Health and Wellbeing Brands Performing In The Pandemic Era?

June 2020
Holly Whitefoord
Our News

The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in a spike in demand for organic and sustainable foods. The pandemic seems to have raised consumer awareness of the relationship between health and nutrition and, since being in lockdown, many consumers have been looking to more nutritious foods to stay healthful. Now more than ever, consumers are yearning for credible, trustworthy products that deliver ethical values with regards to provenance, presentation, fair trade principles and packaging.

However, these principles are not transient; they have proved their worth to retailers and brand owners that have shown commitment, foresight and empathy with consumer sensibility and expectations. With an increasing consumer base looking for trusted, healthy brands during this unprecedented time, wellbeing brands are perfectly placed to strengthen their image as an aid towards great personal health and wellbeing.

We have collated a selection of our recent design projects into a brochure, available to download for free. We hope it resonates with your expectations and ambitions.

The brochure of work features work for both large and smaller clients, including our creation of The Coca-Cola Company’s brand Aquarius Vive, a ‘pick-and-mix’ style ready meal range for Disney Kitchen and Healthy Food Brand’s Pentaward-winning brand Switchle.


Now, let’s expand upon some statistics featured within the brochure.

Did you know that in 2020, the UK organic market is on target to be worth £2.5 billion? That’s a staggering £45m per week! And as previously mentioned, and as you can see above, this isn’t a fad due or exclusively due to the current global situation. Year on year, organic sales have gained momentum.

So what are the top grocery sellers in the UK organic sector? Dairy, such as milk or butter, accounts for 28.4%, fresh produce, such as apples and bananas make up 24.3%, meat, fish and poultry equate to 10.1% and packaged food, like tinned sweetcorn, represent 16.5%.

‘Plant-based’ is certainly the buzzword of the moment as meat-free sales soared 18% in 2019 to almost £475m. With the vegan market estimated by Mintel to be £740m (expected to soar to £1.1bn by 2023), it is clear that consumer demand is increasing, so invariably, is the need for variety. It’s true that 16% of new product development classified as vegan, with the likes of brands such as The Meatless Farm Co and Beyond Meat offering UK consumers great diversity in their product ranges.

Consumers are also growing more concerned with sustainability. A whopping 73% of Gen Z consumers are willing to pay more for brands as a result of their efforts towards sustainability and more consumers are willing to pay more for products that are made using sustainable materials like reusable coffee cups made from recycled bamboo fibre. And, from an ethical perspective, more consumers than ever are buying into ethical grocery options ranging from ‘wonky veg’ (tackling food waste) to animal-welfare-friendly options. Today, 68% of shoppers believe it’s important to purchase ethically sourced food and drink, with 18-34 year-old’s regarding ethical eating choices much higher than other demographics.

So, back to the brochure!

Our design team have collated a brochure consisting of fourteen projects we have produced in recent years for our clients. With over 30-years of design industry experience, P&W has a wealth of understanding of the sector. One of the retail projects featured is an exclusive as we have not shared before. The retail design work is for Co-op’s Irresistible rebrand. The objective of this project was to consolidate the loyalty of existing ‘Truly Irresistible’ consumers and entice new consumers by projecting the ranges premium virtues and Fairtrade credentials. We re-designed and relaunched over 400 SKU’s within 6 months.

If you have a brand that fits within the organic/ethical/free-from market, we are helping re-orientate companies’ packaging and brand strategies to better resonate with health-focused consumers. P&W has already helped guide brands through rapid changes to their approaches during these extraordinary times and often visit trade shows (such as the Natural & Organic Products Europe and The International Food & Drink Event) to ensure our finger is kept on the pulse of the market. In fact, P&W Partner, Adrian, even gave a lecture on the various types of free-from consumers (i.e.: consumers that WANT to eat free-from products for ethical reasons, for example, versus those that NEED to for health reasons) at the Food Matters Live.

Whilst it’s impossible to determine the future, we have seen, and statistics prove, that consumer mindsets have evolved. Issues that previously seemed to have the upmost importance have been superseded, with a primary focus on wellness, togetherness and collaboration. To connect with consumers now, it is fundamental that your brand resonates as being health-aware, environmentally-friendly, empathetic and connected.

P&W has been giving brands a voice since 1987, so if you’re considering how your brand strategy could better connect with health-conscious consumers at this time, our experienced team would love to share our insights and help your brand reach its full potential.

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